Saturday, July 5, 2014


This is my first time watching Farscape. So far I have watched Seasons 1-3. Can I just say I think the real romance here, is the bromance between Crichton and D’Argo. Ben Browder and Anthony Simcoe have great chemistry. Even though they are two different species, they are able to get one another’s jokes. (And it’s about to get real for a second.) Through their differences they learn they are the same, and share similar heart breaks like lost family and lost love. Back to the bromance. One of my favorite moments is when Crichton ask D’Argo how is doing before they try and trick the Peacekeepers, and D’Argo says… “I have to pee.”

Aeryn, Aeryn, Aeryn for a Peacekeeper she sure is a girl. Please don’t mistake my phrase being a girl as girls are bad, or acting like a girl is bad. What I mean is for someone who had never been in a “relationship” she knows what she is doing? No, wait I got it. She never gives poor Crichton a break. Nailed it! (Disclaimer, its only my opinion and thoughts when I am watching the show.) Like the time Scorpious was literally inside Crichton’s head and when he was controlling Crichton, Crichton killed Aeryn. Oh, what about that episode when Crichton/Crichton’s clone is killed and when Aeryn comes back to Moya she is cold and distant. All I can say sometimes is what about Crichton? He pretty much lost the only person who truly knows him, and the only other human around. Sometimes I am not sure how to feel about Rygel. Perhaps that is the way the show is meant to be? Sometimes I am thinking to myself, what a weenie. Then other times it’s like don’t mess with Rygel.

The most important character of the show are the Jim Henson’s puppeteers. The Jim Henson’s Creature Shop knows how to create such emotion. It’s amazing to me the animatronics The Creature Shops uses is timeless. I think technology is great for movies, but there is something wonderful about the size and creative of that kind of imagination. Now when I look at Pilot I forget that is a puppet. There are no words to describe it. Mind, blown.  
There is one episode that I could not get over, Eat Me. To me that was one of the scariest episodes because those people just lost it, and started eating the ship and their pilot. That poor pilot when he screams that they are cutting off his arms and letting them grow back, so they can eat him was too real. I guess I think it’s one of the scariest because The Creature Shop does an excellent job conveying emotions, and people losing it when they are in the middle of nowhere I believe. For a couple of episodes I could not look at Pilot.

I am glad that my husband and I started watching Farscape. As fans of The Dark Crystal, The Muppets, Fraggel Rock it’s so amazing how technics you see when you are little still can hold up in adulthood. I think I already used this word but that work is truly timeless. And in my humble opinion can match up against any computer generated effects. I also feel it’s important that we have more animatronics on shows and movies because it shows people that not all creativity and imagination has to be solely from a keyboard.

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