Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Random thoughts about things I’ve always wanted to say from a movie or show

Have you ever said to yourself after the fact, I wish I would have said this? Or stare at a blank Twitter screen and try and think of a play on words? It happens to me a majority of the time. Usually when it comes to a blank computer screen after about 5 seconds I say aloud, “I’m done!” Because once I start to over think it, it’s not funny anymore.

There are some things I have been able to say because of timing. I shared one in my last blog in which my husband said my face lit up. And I replied I am a warrior and an assassin my face does not light up.

There was a Scott and Ramona moment my husband and I shared a while ago.

Me: I’m going over here to read for a while.

Husband: Then I’ll be all alone.

Me: You’re not alone. You’re just having some idiotic dream.

Husband: Does that mean we can make out.

Me: …

Wait a minute! Most of my perfect timing happens the most when I am with my husband. I guess that is what happens … wait for the cheesiness … when you marry your best friend … there it is.

Perhaps I should take a cue from The Doctor and make cards for when there are other occasions. So I thought I would share some of those waiting for the right moment quotes in no particular order, and mostly just because I like these quotes.

Today. Today … At the edge of our hopes, at the end of our time, we have chosen not only to believe in ourselves, but in each other. Today there is not a man nor woman in here that shall stand alone. Not today. Today we face the monsters that are at our door and bring the fight to them! Today, we are canceling the apocalypse! – Stacker Pentecost, Pacific Rim

I am not sure when I would use this outside of the apocalypse, and after a slow motion walk into the room. Maybe as a go get them team speech? I love that speech. Let’s face it I love Idris Elba.

I do admit there are some of his movies I have not seen. For example any movie where he plays the villain. I think he is an amazing actor but after watching Luther my brain just cannot accept him as a villain. Not gonna do it. I made the mistake of watching Losers once, don’t get me wrong IMHO Chris Evans was hilarious in it. But I kept believing Idris Elba’s character was going to be like I’m just kidding guys I was doing a double, double cross. See my brain can’t do it. Denial.

Okay it’s another Stacker Pentecost quote, but you guys Idris Elba. It’s a really good one for an “I’m not messing around moment.” One: don’t you every touch me again. Two: Don’t you ever touch me again. Now, you have no idea who the hell I am, or where I’ve come from, and I’m not about to tell you my whole life story. All I need to be to you and everybody on this dome is a fixed point. The last man standing. I do not need your sympathy or your admiration. All I need is your compliance and your fighting skills. And if I can’t get that. Then you can go back to the wall that I found you crawling on. Do I make myself clear?

My interest in what you are talking about is low to moderate. –Vork, The Guild

In the context that this quote is used it is funny. I like Vork. He is my spirit animal. Well Vork is my spirit animal when I am grumpy. Oh and when I need to channel my dry sense of humor. Codex is my introvert but still kicks butt spirit animal. Admiral Ackbar is my spirit animal when I am suspicious. You know that I got a feeling someone is watching me moment. I’m not the only one that gets that feeling. Right? *She ask nervously.*

I don’t want to be just one thing. –Four, Divergent

Okay I have not read these books, but who could have missed the previews when the movie came out. I have never said it out loud. But I often think this when someone says oh you’re a Trekkie, a Whovian, a nerd, a this, a that. I like a lot of things, hence the “I don’t want to be one thing.”

In the words of Delenn from Babylon 5 – “Then I will tell you a great secret, Captain. Perhaps the greatest secret of all time. The molecules of your body are the same molecules that make up this station, and the nebula outside, that burn inside the stars themselves. We are star stuff, we are the universe made manifest, trying to figure itself out. As we have both learned, sometimes the universe requires a change of perspective.”

I am not sure if this blog as a point. It’s all just random thoughts. But I guess if there is a morale to the story. It is as The Doctor says, 900 years of times and space and I never meet anyone who wasn’t important. So like what you are going to like … to thine own self be true.