Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I love you bro! No, no bro I love you!

Today I thought I would write about something I enjoy very much when I am watching some of my favorite shows … bromance. I don’t mean bromance in a negative connotation, or insincerely. I think the best part of the bromance is the chemistry the two make characters have in regards to playing off each other and improv. Bromance, in my opinion, is often the best part of the show.

I decided to compile some of my favorite (in my humble opinion) broamnces. These are in no particular order, and after I write this I may say “aw man, I forgot these guys.” Hopefully I don’t repeat myself and say they are just too funny together as I write out this list, even though I think that is true of all of them.
(side note: Write … Isn’t funny how sometimes we say write, when we are just typing up something?) (Different side note: And isn’t funny how we say, say when we are not really talking out loud.)

Nick and Monroe on Grimm, played by David Giuntoli and Silas Weir Mitchell. If you watch the show you would understand how impossible their friendship is because Nick’s a Grimm and Monroe is a Blutbad. But that’s what makes their friendship even better because they can appreciate each other’s differences. I like how when Monroe recently asked Nick to be his best man, and all I could hear in the background of the soundtrack that is my mind is I’ll Stand By You by The Pretenders. And no people, I do not mean that in a fanfiction way. I mean that in a they made me tear up way.

Aidan and Josh on Being Human, played by Sam Witwer and Sam Huntington. I think theirs is a more play off each other bromance. They individually have the best lines on the show, but when you get them together it’s like crown molding to complete the room. Don’t ask me why, but I think that is one of the best scenes of this season. The one where Aidan tries to sell Josh on the house in their alternate, but this is the present if Sally stood up to Danny instead world. And Josh says “don’t you start with the crown molding!” In case you are wondering the soundtrack of my mind plays You’re My Best Friend by Queen. I think this song came to mind watching them at the SDCC in 2013. I knew there bromance was also off screen.

John and Dorian on Almost Human, played by Karl Urban and Michael Ealy. After watching Karl Urban speak at his panel at the ScFi Expo in Dallas this year, my beliefs were confirmed … most of the car scenes are improvised. Every time I see them riding in the squad car together I always feel like Dorian is secretly saying you like me, you think I’m funny a la Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality (the first one) type way. I am hoping by the second season they will have a song added to the playlist.

Sherlock and Watson the BBC Sherlock, played by Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. When Sherlock gave the best man toast at the wedding my soundtrack theme song was My Hero by the Foo Fighters. After Sherlock gave the most touching speech, in the bonus content of my mind in the deleted scenes– I picture some guy in the back doing the slow clap, then pointing at Sherlock a la James Van Der Beek in Varisty Blues.

Erik and Charles Xavier, for this bromance, I’ll go with the characters played by Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy in X-Men: First Class. There is one line that I feel sums up this bromance when Charles tells Erik, Listen to me very carefully, my friend. Killing Shaw will not bring you peace. Oh Erik and Charles, theirs is a complicated bromance. They respect each other, yet some of the choices they make cause for a friction later on.

Tim Bisley and Mike, played by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost on Spaced. If I could pick one scene that best describes this bromance, it’s the one where they play paint ball. That is all I will say because if you have not seen this show you need to. Besides Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are like the kings of bromance. So …. Just watch the show.
Writing this makes me feel that bromances are sometimes better than romances. Hear me out with one question, (side note: perhaps this question comes from me being mostly a tomboy) when you watch a movie or television show with bromance and romance which lines do you remember the most?

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