Sunday, February 9, 2014

How to tell if you are drift compatible.

After my husband and I first saw Guillermo del Torro’s Pacific Rim, we have found ourselves saying “drift compatible!” whenever we say or think the same things. For example, whenever my husband and I say the words “do you” we say it a la Anthony Michael Hall in The Breakfast Club. 

I thought it might be fun to list items, in my humble opinion, that make two people drift compatible. Some are from my personal life, others are things I have thought about recently. So here they are in no particular order.

  • When you say, “check you later” they automatically think “alright, alright, alright.”
  • Whenever you discuss or mention Doug Jones, the other person knows exactly who you are talking about. You even share the same favorite funny seen in Hellboy when, Abe and Hellboy are sharing a beer and discussing their women troubles. “You’re in love. Have a beer.”
  • While watching the premier of J.J. Abrams, Star Trek, both of you geeked out when you saw Noel Clarke. And at the same time said Mickey! While looking around to see if anyone was excited as you were to see a companion.
  • When you hear that someone has not seen Doctor Who, you or your significant other say “you’ve never seen Doctor Who?” in your best British accent. Saying it in that accent is a result of seeing Revision 3’s “Welcome Back, Doctor Who” one too many times on YouTube.
  • Speaking of YouTube, one of the other videos you’ve both seen together a billion times is Portlandia’s Battlestar Galactica - One More Episode. Edward James Olmos and James Callis make a guest appearance. Ron Moore also makes a cameo, however not in the way you would think.
  • You both said Whaaat! When you realized it would be the last time you would see Scott Wilson play Hershel in Too Far Gone. Yes admittedly one of you did have to comfort the other because while Beth and Maggie began crying that started the water works.
  • You both feel like Rob Gordon in High Fidelity when everyone starts talking about The Walking Dead, Sherlock, and Doctor Who because you liked these shows first. Which makes you feel like a hipster for saying don’t infect my beautiful shows with your main stream. However, secretly you both need others to watch so the TV networks can keep the show going for as long as it can. The only reason you know the term “infect it with your main stream” because you’ve both seen Soundly Awake’s Hipsters On Valentine’s  Day a bunch of times. Okay let’s face it you both go on YouTube one day binges, but there is no judgment.
  • Your significant other can recognize a Bear McCreary musical compositions before knowing it is him. Like when you watched season 1, episode 1 of Defiance, and heard the theme music the other person says that sounds like Bear.
  • While watching the entire Star Trek series (yes all of them) you both say at the same time hey it’s Kate Vernon (aka Ellen Tigh)! Or, hey it’s Rick Worthy (aka Number Four)! But when watching Battlestar Galactica, you both say hey it’s Sam Witwer! Or, when Roslin was getting chemo you both say, isn’t that Kira (Deep Space Nine)?
  • Whenever the computer messes up, acts strange, or you see a news article about another advancement in robotics or technology - your significant nods in agreement when you say “Skynet.”
I smile when I hear the word Toronto because I know my husband will say “in Toronto” a la Brandon Routh in Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Because its moments like these when we make a reference the other one gets, we simply look at each other and know we are thinking the same thing … drift compatible.

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