Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My So Called Angst

I’ve been reading a lot of quotes from My So Called Life, and Freaks and Geeks. And watching a lot of My So Called Life, and Freaks and Geeks. Besides the fact that they are awesome shows, they are relatable. Well to me anyway they still deal with present day issues such as dating, friendships, and every day high school life.
(Side note: A lot of people say that these shows were prematurely cancelled. I like to say they were ahead of their time.)
One thing I noticed about these shows is the teen angst. And not the sparkling in the sun like diamonds kind teen angst. Then that took me to my next thought, in the world of social media, is there such a thing of teenage angst anymore?
Back in my day (side note, please don’t judge me based on that back in my day statement).
But back in my day, teen angst meant having to wait all weekend to see your crush, your boyfriend, or girlfriend. It meant going from being super psyched about Friday to counting the hours before Monday morning.
Now with social media you can see what your crush is tweeting. (Side note: please also don’t judge me if that sounded stalker-y.) My point is not having social media taught people my age how to write (yes paper, pens) down how we felt privately. We would write things in our journals, or write letters that we would never give to the person we wrote them to.
(Side note: You know what I mean. I don’t think I am the only person who did this. Write letters for your crush, right? *She asks nervously.*)
No, I will not stand for this anymore television people in charge of things, where have all my Jordan Catalanos gone? *She sings in her Paula Cole impression music voice.*
Today the closest we get to stories like these are in books. Books like The Fault in Our Stars, and Eleanor & Park. If you’ve read up to this point, I just wanted to say how much I miss those television shows, the kind with heart, and the kind that taught us how to deal not only with teenage angst, but our first heartbreak.

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