Friday, January 29, 2016

Random thoughts about ….

I’m not sure. I have not written anything in a while so I thought I would just write. So I don’t know what this will be about. Maybe about nothing. I am just going to think of it like a vlog … you know without the video part. And the YouTube part.

So the other day I was watching one of my favorite movies. I can’t say it’s in my top 5. I tried to do that with music once, make a top 5. Turned into a top 100+. But it does not take away from it being a favorite.

Sorry for the side rant…oh the movie. Begin Again. I wrote a blog about it once. It is one of the best movies. Two words John Carney. Two more words, Mark Ruffalo. This movie has heart. So if you have not seen it, warning this may be a spoiler.

There is part in the movie where Gretta (Keira Knightley) goes to see her ex-boyfriend Dave (Adam Levine) play at a concert. After they of course have broken up. Gretta is hesitant to go see Dave play not just because of the break up but because she wrote a song for him called Lost Stars (psst it’s on the YouTube) and Dave has let the studio take over the song and make it very pop.

Anyways I always have this argument in my head. Gretta goes back stage and sees Dave singing. I away think she is crying because it’s over but yesterday when I was watching it I was thinking is it because Dave singing it as a ballad, then when he started feeding off the crowd he started singing it all pop like and that’s when she is crying. So I think Gretta is crying because Dave has turned into a rock star and in the end that is what he cares about. Then I said stop analyzing Melissa and just enjoy this bittersweet scene as it was meant to be enjoyed.

Speaking of bittersweet, or just a moment. I have been watching Doctor Who backwards starting from Series 8 and then going back. This time I decided to follow the Ponds story. So here I am enjoying the Christmas Carol episode and my husband tells me that Doctor Who will not be back until 2017. Okay yes I saw the recent article about Steven Moffatt, but I guess just like most things I refuse to believe it. Sometimes I just like being in denial I guess. Perhaps in some cases ignorance is bliss? But we mustn’t dwell on bad things. Doctor Who will come back.

Speaking of Doctor Who I changed my ring tone last year. On occasion I like to change it to something new. The last time I changed it to I Am the Doctor. And I don’t think I want to change it back. Because confession when I hear it ring it makes me feel like I should be running around wearing a fez. I wish I has a TARDIS. One thing I would definitely do is make all my vacation last forever.

And another Doctor Who thingy. I saw Legends of Tomorrow. Who am I kidding, they had me at Arthur Darvill. I like seeing him travel through time again. I know, I know it’s not the same show. But he had a space ship that travels through time! And space! And his name is Rip Hunter! Rip Hunter, time traveler. Hmmm… I suddenly feel like making business cards.

Since this blog really does not have a story or anything, I will just end it here. See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya. Remember when people used to say that? Man, we had some cheesy sayings when I was growing up. And how come no one says wizard anymore?

End of line.

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