Monday, November 2, 2015

I just do

I think there are all certain movies that we like to watch. You know the kind of movies when everything on the DVR has been watched they are some of our go to movies because we like them.

I think our go to movies and shows fall into two categories. The first are a everyone in the house favorite like Star Wars, Doctor Who, Edgar Wright movies, Pacific Rim, etc. because they are awesomely awesome. The other category is one I’d like to talk about today.

This category is called the “really again” “again? I haven’t seen it in a long time” movies. Other times they are the
“You like that movie?”
“Yes, I do”
“I just do.”

Today I thought I would share some of my movies that fall into these categories. These movies are not guilty pleasures because it should not be a guilty pleasure to like movies or music that make you feel good. #ThereIsaidit 

I apologize that was probably a bit defensive. But seriously, I don’t think anyone should feel embarrassed because they like the movies, tv shows, and music they do. And for me sometimes there is no reason I like certain things because I just do.

Queen of the Damned. I know, well in my opinion, I know it’s not the best movie in the world. But I like it. This is one of my I just do.

Daybreakers. In 2019 an outbreak has turned a majority of the population into vampires. Ethan Hawke plays Edward Dalton, a hematologist trying to find a blood substitute because the human population is decreasing and he also wants to avoid human extinction. Without enough blood, the Vampire population is being to deteriorate and get desperate to the point of feeding off other Vampires and themselves. PS: 2019 is not too far way guys. PSS: I know it’s just a movie.

I like Daybreakers because it shows the other side of being a Vampire. You know the not so awesome part of immortality. Aka the no sparkling in the sun part. Plus there’s the one gnarly part of the movie where the vampires drink Frankie Dalton’s blood and then they get cured, then the other vampire drink their blood, then they cured, and so on.

Moving away from the Vampires, another movie I like is Fanboys. I was excited when I saw the preview in the movie theater. Then I don’t remember seeing it play in my city, and if it did was it only one day? Seriously where was it? I’m just glad when it came out on DVD, I was able to find it. If you like Star Wars and Sam Huntington, you need to see Fanboys.

Sam Huntington you guys. You know aka Jam from Detroit Rick City? Josh Levison in Being Human. Huntington plays Eric Bottler who reunites with his old high school friends. They decide to take a road trip to break into Lucas Ranch to see Episode I of Star Wars. Who can’t relate to that especially now with the new Star Wars movie only about two months away … sorry I cannot tell a lie. Two months is a long time! 

One of my favorite things about this movie is all the Star Wars references they are not the type of references that are thrown in the movie just to be in the movie. You know what I mean? It’s like when you read a book or watch a show and they throw in an X-Men or zombie reference just because. I apologize that is more of a side rant than why I like Fanboys.

So with the Star Wars references come the arguments. Like when Windows (Jay Baruchel) tells Linus and Hutch (Chirs Marquette, Dan Fogler) “You guys both got to stop perpetuating this myth that Boba Fett is some kind of bad-***. All right? He has a jet pack. So did the Rocketeer. Really cool. When it come time for battle, the man’s Michael Bay - all style, no substance.”

Or when Hutch is having a heart to heat with Eric. “Greatest deed Luke Skywalker ever did was take down the Death Star, right? AS far as I’m concerned, that’s what everybody needs. You need that one bad-*** thing that lets you love forever, you know. “

I just realized they say bad-*** on more than one occasion in this movie. I am not a prude, I just prefer movies that do not have swear words in 98% of it. And if you know anything about me I really don’t curse IRL. Sorry another side rant. The point is, it’s a funny movie and at the heart of it, it has friendship.

Another movie in this category is You Got Mail. Talk about old school. Part of the movie features AOL. Kids back in my day AOL was what the internet was all about. If you were lucky enough to afford a computer more than likely you had AOL. Or Net Zero. Net Zero, anyone?

Anywho. One of my favorite things about this movie is Tom Hanks. And it’s also just a fun early 90s type of movie, IMHO. Speaking of the Hanks family if you have not seen it I would catch up on Life in Pieces with Colin Hanks. As I am watching this show I am thinking, he reminds me of Tom Hanks with some of his mannerisms. But then later I am just thinking Colin Hanks is funny. So is Zoe Lister-Jones who plays Hank’s wife on the show. There is not one scene they have done together where I did not laugh out loud.

So the morale of the story, don’t let anyone have the power to make you feel like you are weird for liking certain movies or tv shows. As Felicia Day says “Embrace your weird.”

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