Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My thoughts after watching Spider-Man 2

I will say after watching Spider-Man is that I cannot stop singing Spider-Man, Spider-Man. Darn you ring tones, and your catching songs. But I won’t get all nerd ranty either. I just wanted to share my random thoughts after watching the movie. Hopefully they are not too random and all over the place.

Hopefully I also do not spoil the movie too much for anyone who has not seen it yet. And I may also even share the same views as my better half. (What can I say, we’ve been married for twelve years. So you get to know someone? I kid, I kid.)
When I saw Electro, and I saw that he disappeared and reappeared, I turned towards Dr. Manhattan and asked where have I seen this before? Poor Max he just wanted to be seen.

I am glad I did not have to see Gwen and Peter go back and forth the entire movie. Or, that the entire movie did not revolve around their relationship. Poor Gwen. I guess they decided to stay true to the comic in her end. (Sorry one more…) Poor Peter everyday going to see Gwen.

Was it me or Harry was rocking the hipster look. Don’t get me wrong Dane DeHaan did a great job playing Harry. It wasn’t bad but just a tiny, tiny, tiny bit distracting when Andrew Garfield all of sudden got very east coast when he and Harry were catching up.

I felt as though the ending was weird because when Gwen dies, (Sorry, not sure why I whisper dies. I guess, feel like in movies and tv it’s a bad word. If that makes sense.) Anyway when she, uh, passes away it seemed like the movie should have ended there, or the scene should have been placed in another part of the movie? (She asked in a high voice.)

But if you just go to the movie for entertainment purposes, I guess you can’t go wrong. Right? Fictional characters! (That was my Ben Affleck impersonation from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.) Speaking of man, man this blog is shorter than I thought it would be. I guess my random thoughts weren’t as many as I thought. You know what I mean. (She said confident, but nervous.)

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