Monday, October 14, 2013

The YouTube

I was not sure what I should blog about this week. So I have decided just to start typing and see where my random thoughts take me. And they took me to YouTube, and some side thoughts. Believe it or not, I did not start watching the YouTube until recently.
Side thought: the YouTube, classic Bryn. If you have not seen Gavin & Stacie, you should.
It’s been so recent that I began to watch YouTube, that I was not aware the like and dislike buttons were a change made to rating a video. As most of you know I am a Twitter nub. So when I found out that I could tweet YouTube videos, mind blown.
I subscribe to different channels like Geek & Sundry, the Nerdist, and BBC America just to name a couple. I like being able to see clips of my favorite things like Doctor Who, book reviews, and just awesome indie videos from YouTubers.
I have to admit there are times when YouTube confuses me. I once saw a video of a proposal, which was really sweet because it was genuine. When I looked down I saw 30+ people disliked the video. I am not sure when people stopped liking proposals, or people just sharing their thoughts and feelings.
Side thought: and what is with all the spam in the comments? Spam follows you ever where, even online, it’s weird.
I just get confused because yes I do feel YouTube is a form of freedom of speech, I did not realize how kind of Cyberman-ish some comments can be.  
Side thought: super excited about 11/23/13.
At the same time I feel that YouTube should be a place where someone can go to express their views, be themselves, and express their creativity. Again that’s just my opinion only. Perhaps I may be a little naïve, or may sound like everything should be unicorns and glitter, but you can dislike something and be constructive.

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