Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Dear Reader,
My husband follows @wilw on Twitter. I recently read his message on what to expect when you follow him on Twitter. I liked it. It inspired me to write my own with my first Twitter account. Here it goes ...
My goal for Twitter is not to have a certain amount of followers. It's a way for me to share my random thoughts, and sometimes memories or experiences with the vast ocean we call the internet. Perhaps, some people will read it. Perhaps not, and that's okay because I am doing one of the things I love, writing. So with this Twitter account I've decided to take a bit of a leap and share my thoughts on a public forum. Can't get more public than online right? Hence the User ID, I am allowing myself to not stand in my own way of writing.
For the people who come across this, please do not expect to see negativity in my tweets I will post. There's enough in the world already. To tag on to negativity, please do not expect to see me call anyone out. As a kid who was bullied in school, there is never a reason to be mean just because.
There are people I do follow, or will follow on Twitter, not because I expect a reply to my tweet. I follow them on Twitter for different reasons because I enjoy their work as a writer, musician, director, actor, their post, youtube videos, or projects they are working on. So if I use an @personsnamehere when I tweet, it's because if someone is reading this and likes @personsnamehere's work and did not know they had a Twitter account, they will see any new projects that person may be working on.
I think the internet is a great resource. However, I do have a loving husband I enjoy spending my time with when I am not working. I also feel there are so many wonderful books to read, and places to see. I say this because I know my future tweets may not be consistent as most, which may or may not be someone's expectations when they follow someone on Twitter.
As for the blog, sometimes 160 characters may not be able to contain my random thoughts. If you've made it this far, thank you for reading, and welcome to the random thoughts in my brain.

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