Monday, March 2, 2015

I’m not sure what this blog post is about

Yet again I have gone another two weeks without writing anything. My last reason was because of the holidays. This time it is because well I’m not sure other than too many books to read, and shows to watch. Sometimes I wonder if my procrastination for writing comes from the fact that I sit behind a keyboard IRL. But who am I kidding it’s mostly the books and tv shows thing I want to do.

So speaking of things to watch, Mockingjay Part I comes out this Friday! To answer your question yes, I have been on a Hunger Games movie marathon today. Today was a very SciFi , dystopian movie day in the House Of Cooper. If you have not seen the Comic Relief with David Tennant and Catherine Tate, you need to. That’s all I’m going to say get on the YouTube and look it up.

Even though it was a SciFi day today, I stayed away from the Trek. I was telling my husband the other day, I don’t think I’ll be able to watch the Trek for a while. Even though we know the ending, and the movie in its entirety will not change. Some of the magic seems like it won’t be. I will leave it at that because for each person that feel in love with, and will fall in love with Leonard Nimoy, it will have a different meaning. I just wanted to put that out there into the vast ocean of the internet.

Speaking of vast ocean of the internet. Well just vast ocean. Do you ever have those days where you feel uncool? Like you’re just plain weird? Those are my favorite and worst days to have. Favorite because you know that well as Moss would say, “Weird’s all I got. That and my sweet style.” It also lets you bring something different to the table. Even though some people will stare at you and ask “who is Felicia Day?” “What is Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along-Blog?” or say “I have never seen Firefly” “I don’t watch Doctor Who.”

And it’s the worst day because you feel like no one gets it. No one gets you. It’s kind of like the times in middle school when you hear people whispering and you think it’s about you. Maybe it was. The important thing to remember is I don’t think anyone can honestly say I never have a day where I feel, meh. Just remember you are not alone. With that last sentence I guess I was not as done as I thought. I was in talking about Nimoy because I think that is what brought this on. Just the feeling of those days when you feel small, but in reality you are part of a bigger community than you know. Whether it’s SciFi, books, certain tv shows, it’s always a bigger place than you imagine it was. Yes, sometimes it takes a while to find your peeps, but you will.

Okay I am not sure if my ramblings are making sense. And hopefully it does not sound like I am standing up here on a soap box. These are just thoughts that have been moving around up there in my brain. I guess I wanted to finally put it on paper so to speak.

Oh before this long side rant I was talking about Mockingjay. So yeah it comes out this Friday. First of let me say ….. Hunger Games! Second, why release it on a Friday. I guess I am wondering why so much because normally new movie releases around here come out on Tuesdays. Although I am pretty sure the interwebs know something I don’t know. Because let’s face it. I am always late to Tweet about a show that just finished airing two, three, four days ago. But in my defense I cannot Tweet while the show is going on. I just can’t. I like to watch my tv shows in the moment. And sometimes it’s because I have to have a good cry afterwards like when the last episode of Parks and Rec aired this past week.

So in conclusion. Nope, there’s no real conclusion here because it was just all random. I will end this on one more note though. In a recent interview Leonard Nimoy tribute I saw there was a clip of an interview he did, where he mentioned the live long and prosper Vulcan greeting came from a blessing he saw at a Hebrew ceremony. Then he said so when people do this to each other *he gives the love long and prosper symbol* they are really blessing each other. Me personally, and again I hope it does not sound too soap boxy, I think that’s awesome.

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