Friday, December 20, 2013

Movie trailers part 2

I have been thinking about the recent movie trailers that I saw during The Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug.
Jupiter Ascending: You know how when you read a paragraph of a book, and you automatically know the author before you even look at who wrote it? You could tell this was the Wachowski twins when watching this preview. While I have only seen one preview, for a second I thought it was a young adult book. Still have not figured out why Channing Tatum looks a little like an elf? (side rant: speaking of YA – Not books - movies – when I saw the Vampire Dairies – first I was like huh? Then I was like what? Then I was just confused)
Edge of Tomorrow: It’s like Ground Hog Day meets Elysium meets Starship Troopers. @DimesnsAndGalxs made a very good point, at least in this movie it seems like the girl does not need to be rescued. I love Emily Blunt, and I look forward to her kick butting skills.
47 Ronin: Still seem to be waiting for Wolverine to pop up on this one when I hear the guy is looking for a half breed, and makes who is looking for like this super awesome mutant.
Captain America: I am still kind of worried when I see the previews for this one. Since each preview I see on the telly (as they say on the other side of the pond) or at the movies 95% has the Black Widow. Where are you Captain America? I miss you already. L
Earth to Echo: AT first it reminded me of Chronicle. Then when I saw Echo, I started thinking of The Minions. You know the mini movie where an alien comes to Earth and the minion helps him learn how to be a puppy.
Spiderman 2: I know these are considered reboots, and I probably should not compare to the Tobey Maguire Spiderman but can I say something if I can say something? Gwen seems much cooler than Mary Jane. Okay, let me explain what I mean. I mean that she seems to be a bit more understanding to Spiderman’s whereabouts, and does not give him the “I’m mad at you-I’ going to date this rich guy-thanks for being late again-even though I know that you are Spiderman and are totes busy” look. Maybe I am the only one who felt this way when I saw it, but I think I prefer Gwen over Mary Jane.
These are just some thoughts I have had. I apologize in advanced, sometimes my mind tends to wander during the previews, but they are one of my favorite things of going to the movies.

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